Yes I Do, But Not With You
Check this bullshit out I recieved today from Tiffanie:
From: Tiffanie
To: Machine
Subject: RE: thank you!!
Hmmm… sounds cool…. About last night… did you think that was a date or just hanging out?
From: Machine
To: Tiffanie
Subject: RE: thank you!!
Date :-)
From: Tiffanie
To: Machine
Subject: RE: thank you!!
Well, I do not mean to bust your bubble, but I did not think that it was going to be a date. I though that it was just hanging out… I am not interested in dating right now… you just have to understand what I have been going through with Josh and guys in the past year…. I have really been through a lot, and it is time to sail solo for a while. I hope you understand that… I did not mean to lead you on.
You just have to understand that I am really in need of good friends. I just want to hang out. I am not interested in any kissing, or sexual temptations. I am truly into the abstinence thing right now… I will not be interested into committing into anything for a long time… I truly need a break to find myself… I have lost respect for myself and I need to find a way to regain it. I hope that you understand.
Okay - the bitch is crazy and she threw a curveball at me - I definitely wasn't expecting this but then again, dealing with Melanie in Korea, and some other psycho named Danni from a long time ago, it doesn't surprise me one bit. Women in general no longer surprise me with whatever bullshit excuses they come up with when they meet someone genuine that scares the shit outta them.
So I played it cool. One thing I've learned is that no two women are ever alike, and after they've met me, they are definitely never the same again. Act like a complete dick back in return, and you're only shooting yourself in the foot. Word travels quicker than the speed of light when some little hottie feels like you've been out of control for "no reason". I've had some of you crazy bitches cry fucking rivers of tears down your face not because I was being some royal fucking asshole to you, but because I treated you with kindness and an ounce of dignity. The same sitch is happening here too, only just without the medicated somantics that only come with a refill prescription.
The crux of the message is that she's seen more dicks than the men's bathroom at LAX, and as a result, has more baggage than all of the flights at LAX combined. Jeezus Fucking Christ - WHAT A FUCKING PSYCHO. BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ~ ! While she's willing to fuck any Harry, Dicked, Tom out there, when it comes to someone with depth to their persona she gets a fucking guilt trip, freaks out and fucking acts like a scared little girl.
So me being a man of action, I try to go talk to her face to face - she sees me coming and decides to hide behind some office furniture but then I call her out and tell her to knock the shit off - looking at her desk she has a DOZEN RED ROSES sitting on a corner. Heh. The bitch didn't wanna come off as being a two-timer or a royal slut. Frankly I don't care either way - I just don't want her wasting my fucking time since it's limited and irreplaceable. I don't mind being just another dick in the hole since in the end everybody fucks everybody in one way, shape or form. I've come to accept that as a fact of life (Just be consenting and infection free, that's all I ask). Anycase, she takes her little plant on her desk to give it some water in the next room over when I try talking with her about what she had written. In the calmest, most gentle of voices, I tell her that it's cool and that there were no hard feelings.
She then decides to comment about her plant while ignoring what I had just said. Or at least pretending it went unnoticed. She then hurried back to her desk and decided to call out to co-worker in the hallway as a safety shield. I decide at that time to head on out.
"Be seeing yah, kiddo" I casually respond.
"What, you're leaving already?"
"Yeah it's starting to rain and I wanna get going" I wasn't about to waste anymore fucking time than what was necessary with her.
I don't have time for drama and silly kid games bullshit, people. I don't. Either shit or get off the pot with me. Don't fucking throw yourself all over me with heavy flirting and getting all in my personal space if you ain't gonna accept there are consequences that come along with it. I figure the ball is in her court, and in some ways I'm relieved that this piece of psychotic snatch spared me the expense of public humilation or countless dollars spent trying to get down her panties. Still, the shit doesn't add up. No chick eats out of the palm of your hand one night, and then goes fucking frigidbitch on you the next day. Still I suppose she was considerate in the fact she was up front and didn't wait a fucking month or two to drop the "F" bomb on me.
Heh. Good luck with that one whoever's fucking her now or next in line. You're doing me the favor of having to put up with her shit. In the meantime Tiffanie, you're now joining the soon-to-be-select of my WALL OF SHAME board here. You've earned this one.

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