Thursday, October 19, 2006


Heh. Perhaps I am ready for fatherhood? Today I had to go do something at the BX across base, and outta the blue some kid started jumping up and down trying to get my attention. Why I don't know, but I was completely blocking it out. She started singing and dancing and I was completely oblivious to it all while I was completing some necessary paperwork. My co-worker looked at me, some what perturbed, that I hadn't warmed up to the little shit-stain by applauding its efforts. Sorry but THE MACHINE's time is precious and I don't really care if some 5 year old is having an ADD moment and wants attention. Take some Ritalin and go play in traffic or something. For some reason kids always come up to me. I have no idea why. Perhaps it's some ingrained sense these little demons have - they instinctively know which adult wants nothing to do with them and then they go bother the piss outta them. I tell them to go find their mom and to leave me alone but they don't listen. However, I think if I were to sire an illegitimate child, I would be just like every other dad in America - I'd ignore the little bastard while I'm playing video games or watching TV. I've come to the conclusion that I really don't want kids, but if an accident were to happen, I'd be prepared. Completely. I'D HIRE A BABY-SITTER. Heh.


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