Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Long Lost Weekend

Heh. I could bore you about how much work I've been stuck with lately, only you don't come here to read about that. So, instead I'll show you what I've been preoccupied with since I've got this Long Lost Weekend on my hands: Yup. Oldie but a goodie. Chances are you're looking at this shitty cover art and thinking to yourself "What the fuck is THE MACHINE talking about?" Heh. Here's a better link to what I'm talking about. Gorgeous artwork included - just mind the French. I've always had this love/hate relationship with the Castlevania series ever since it first appeared on the original Nintendo Entertainment System. The games improve with each new title, however they become more and more time consuming. Some weekends I don't even leave the house - thankfully this is not one of them. The only thing that would make the series top-notch is if they included a death metal soundtrack, or if they would allow you to modify the existing soundtrack the way X-Box does with some of its games. Unless someone is broken, bleeding, or dying, don't interrupt me when I'm playing Castlevania. Heh.


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