Saturday, September 30, 2006

It's Official

I officially refuse to have children. Not that you fucking nose-pickers out there had any say in the matter, but as of today, I, THE MACHINE officially declare that I will not consciously impregnate any women that I may have relations with, even if one day I do marry and strongly desire a family.

The case in point - today I'm running around the BX like some jack-ass, buying the new MASTODON CD (the damn thing finally got here) as well as a new PSP game. The check-out line is rather long when I hear this little white girl, perhaps no older than 7 or 8, break out in this fake ebonics dialect, trying to "keep it real" to her black mix friend, how when she was 5 years old she thought that 50 Cent was "cute". I have no idea where this little girl's parents were but the black woman looking at her gave her this look like "This child done lost her MIND UP IN HERE", especially when she referred to her friend as "Girl". We both exchanged this look of "what in the hell is this world coming to" with a sarcastic, yet disgusted look on our faces.

I am all for equality of the races - I hate everyone equally and don't care what skin color you fucking meatbags come in - everyone annoys the piss outta me which is why I avoid contact with humanity as a whole. I AM A MISANTHROPE. However, I KEEP IT REAL. I'm not going to dress up in some death metal outfit and expect people to try communicating to me on that level if they don't know what the scene is all about. It's ridiculous. Even if they DO know what it's about I'm not going to think any differently of them if they can impress me with the useless trivia knowledge about KING DIAMOND or DEICIDE. What DOES impress me is how dignified someone conducts themself in public without acting like some pompous asshole about it, regardless of what they look like. Chances are their mere presence is offensive to me, but at least it's a start.

Let's face it people, we're all a bunch of stereotypes running around out there but nobody has the balls to call it the way it is, save for comedians like DAVE CHAPELLE and CARLOS MENCIA, but because they're "minorities" it's considered to be acceptable social commentaries and observations. It's bad enough that stupid ANDY MILONAKIS kid got his own TV show pretending he could rap, but man is tribal in nature which is why the majority of cultures clash and riots/wars start. Ask any sociologist this and they will acknowledge this, even if the politicians won't. Our media as well as our society reinforces this as a whole, and there's no denying this either.

People are stupid and instead of reinforcing high standards, society elevates the lowest of pariahs to legendary status. For little kids to emulate some asshole who was shot 9 times and lived (10th bullet anyone?) goes to show how bad our nation is going down the shitter. Knowing this I refuse to help repopulate the earth knowing I will most likely be adding to the stupidity with whatever children I sire. I wish the Anti-Christ would come sooner than we hoped for and help put an end to all this madness. Or better yet you fuckers can nominate me to be the Anti-Christ until he shows up and takes care of business once and for all. I'll keep the seat warm.



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