Thursday, September 21, 2006

My ill attempt at being a cartoonist

I admire artists, especially cartoonists. People like JOHNNY RYAN and COOP are on the top of my list. They're simply the best in my opinion, as their ideas are always fresh and their artwork is bar none. I also enjoy the artwork of BOB FINGERMAN and ROBERT CRUMB if you know who they are. If not, I recommend doing a Google or Yahoo search. I could go on all day sounding like some comic book dork, only there are plenty of those running around and chances are you know one. Anycase when I was younger I had the crazy idea that I could one day be a successful cartoonist with an idea for a premise. I would essentially do what Robert Crumb did as an artist and turn my own life experiences into the comedy that people would enjoy reading, and would use myself as the main character. I would then take the personalities of people I knew around me, change their names and physical appearance ever so slightly and turn them into cartoon characters as well. The premise I mentioned would reflect on my background as a paramedic but with a B-Movie comedic twist to it all. The name for this madness would simply be PSYCHO+MEDIC. I came up with the idea originally when I was 18 years old and had just recieved my EMT license at the time, and for some odd reason based it off some crazy karate obsession I had going at the time, complete with Kung-fu jokes and Bruce Lee spin-offs. It wasn't until years later that I had been to Korea did the idea become solid enough to do something with it, and instead took the whole anime approach with it. After all, anime was starting to finally catch on despite being largely underground for the most part, and I wanted to ride the crest of that wave, and figured what better way to do that than with anime-style references? I had the idea that I would do battle with my arch-nemesis CAPTAIN FAT-ASS and her feculent monster Sterculius - originally based on a jaded doctor I once knew. Obviously she got her name from having such a huge fucking fat ass, and was always bitter because of it. Armed with two ninja swords, the Psycho+Medic character would be a cheesey Street Fighter II rip off of RYU where the name of some stupid attack would be said before it was actually carried out - similar to all those gay cartoons from the 80's like VOLTRON or THUNDERCATS. You can tell I used to watch alot of TV when I was a kid. Anycase, STERCULIUS was a 500 pound shit monster, loosely based on Jabba the Hutt, who Captain Fat-Ass had shit out one day, and magically came to life. Why or how it did is anybody's guess, but it just did, and originally I had planned it to be the side-kick to her character, like Batman and Robin. Only she'd be Fat-Ass and Robin. Now people think that coming up with a great idea is all you need. WRONG. Coming up with a great idea AND A STORY LINE is what makes or breaks a series, and that was the hard part. Of course how many people can relate to the military? Aside from Beetle Bailey comic strips, no self-respecting artist uses that genre anymore because it's too limited of a medium to work with. At least to me it is any how. I would have to mix things up enough to where most people would get the premise of what is going on yet still keep that underground following that most comic book nerds fancy themselves being. Alas, I was off to a good start and had kept a sketch book, only I didn't have the time and eventually lost interest when I did. Lemme tell yah - once those ideas stop coming, it's damn hard to get that muse back again! I would start an idea for a story and then only be able to flesh out just a few panels of artwork at a time. If you're going to be anywhere near successful, you have to be able to pump ideas out and make them stick on an insane level! Nevermind the fact that I was going through burn out for my normal job, having something extra like that would just be too much! So the limited free time I did have I would spend playing video games or going out and getting laid. Let's face it, once the pussy fairy no longer sprinkles her magic dust on you, you're up shit-creek permanently. Period. Might as well have fun while I could, and I did. So now I come up with ideas but they pale in comparison. Part of me wants to revive the whole idea yet I just don't have the time or the direction to take this thing where I would want it to be. Eventually the whole PSYCHO+MEDIC storyline would be one giant parody of contemporary society, kinda like what FRANK ZAPPA or HOWARD STERN have been able to accomplish through their end of the media. Granted I wouldn't expect any movie rights or cartoon series but at the very least garner a respectable size following. Kinda like this loser blog I manage. Heh.


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