UFO Review

Apparently someone reads this blog aside from UNCLE SAM, people searching for SATANIC HIP-HOP references and BUM FIGHTS material.
Feast your eyes on this kids:
The Star Trek geeks at UFO REVIEW decided my CRAP CIRCLES essay was worth a few shits and grins (pun completely intended) and decided to link it to their report of shame and disgrace. Although I refute the evidence and still believe it is my colon demon possessing me to take a crap in the middle of the night, I guess some people find the answer to the stars on the good earth below.
Listen guys - save whatever respectable names you have made for yourselves and distance your website as far as possible from this blog if you know what's best for you! I cannot and will not be held responsible for anyone's I.Q. suddenly dropping 20 points as a result of reading what I write here!
Heh. But I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth - I'll gladly take whatever attention I can get. I guess you haven't made it in the blog world unless one of two things happen:
A - Someone links your material
B - You get laid by some internet psycho as a result of it.
Until yesterday, 1 outta 2 ain't so bad now izzit?
Now that the word is out, I'm waiting for the UFO aliens to come abduct me and perform an anal probe KLINGON STYLE. I'll even eat Mexican food tonight before going to bed, so I can give them something to brag about for light years to come. MY CAPTAIN'S LOG that is.
i don't remember eatin' any corn....:)
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