Sunday, September 04, 2005

Weekend in K-Town

Kaiserslautern or "K-Town" as it is known, is a great place to party.

Misty Bochery aka Juicy Girl went out Thursday night and last night to go drinking until the wee hours of the morning.

I like Juicy. Or as I call her "Djus". She's hella cool to party with and one mega-babe hottie. Like she said on her blog, we discussed the fact I wanted to hit it, only there was just no chemistry involved.

Eh. Whatever.

Instead, I made one cool party-buddy I can hang out with and have a great time with! Plus if you think about it, having a hot chick to hang out with means the other chicks won't be so defensive if I start talking to them since they will think there's a bit of mystery involved. Rock on.

Anycase, we went out both nights to a place called "Thursty Nelly's" which is an Irish pub and Djus was absolutely loving it. While it wasn't exactly my cup of tea, I figured I would tag along for the company and enjoy the evening - which I did - until this one dude named Wes came up and started imposing himself. Wes isn't a bad dude but he was making an ass out of himself the entire evening, telling me I needed to find a wife for the night to get laid. Usually I reserve the right to act like an ass but this dude was over-stepping his bounds when he was telling the hottie waitress of my loser-inability to get some ass and wanted her to give me her phone number. Now as fucked up and as crazy as I may be, I've learned the majority of waitresses don't date the clientel, the same way strippers don't take their work home with them. While there are exceptions to the rule, most of them know that business is business. I needed a breath of fresh air and decided to go walking around.

Ultimately I ended up at the Harp Inn, which is the other Irish pub in K-Town. Now here I was feeling it. I was enjoying the atmosphere and the barmaid was cool. This Russian chick who resembles Elizabeth Hurley somewhat was glad to see I had made it back again after the other night of slamming Jaegermeister and Coke all night. I started drinking but had ran out of Euro and needed more. There was a nearby ATM I went to, only it wasn't taking my cards so I ended up having to go back to Vogelweh Billeting to get more cash. By the time I made it back, Djus was gone and Wes was gone too. As obnoxious as he was being, I still figured I'd hang out with the guy since there's safety in numbers. I was somewhat disappointed I missed them and called it an early night. I found out this morning that Djus had split off with some other friends she had met and let roughly about the same time I had so it was just some mis-communication.

She's going to sell me one of her older cars - a BMW - that I will drive until my Passat arrives. It runs pretty good and can get me to and from work which is all I care about. Once my VW gets here, I'll sell it for whatever someone wants to give me. Sounds like a total plan.

I don't know if I want to get back into the whole drinking thing while I am over here. I was pretty sober while in Korea and lost a shit-loada weight although I can easily see between the German Schnitzels and Kebabs and the alcohol I will go back to being a fat bastard if I don't watch it. And with Oktoberfest being right around the corner I know that if I don't start exercising and watching my intake, it will happen sooner than I know it!


Blogger Unknown said...

hahaha....don't forget also that if you stay off the wagon too long, hopping back on for one night can be one helluva BITCH!!! lol.

glad your rockin it up in Germany. save a beer for me cause I'm totally coming to visit! :D

7:16 PM  
Blogger NeverEnough said...

I miss you :(

3:55 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

First of all: I knew you were cheating on me!

Second of all: I like a little meat on a man. Rar.

Third of all: I make a mean auflauf.

10:22 PM  
Blogger NeverEnough said...

I agree with Megan - skinny men are just no fun to ride!

10:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

wow have followers!!! ;)

4:01 PM  
Blogger NeverEnough said...

I prefer the term "cult member".

3:35 AM  

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