Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I do not sleep. I am convinced of this. Instead I close my eyes and drift in between conscious states. Let me clarify. When you sleep you get the rest you need and awaken rejuvenated and ready to take on the world. Your senses are sharpened, your health is in balance and you enjoy going to work and tackling the problems that come your way. I don't do such things. Instead I close my eyes, and dream of work or other fucked up events I have experienced in my waking hours. Five perhaps six hours every night tops, but even then I am tossing and turning and am looking at the clock every 2 hours or so, thinking it is time to get out of bed, shit-shower-&-shave and to repeat the process all over again. I am practically a walking zombie most the time with no sense of time aside from the fact it is either day or night. I experience insomnia, not sleep since I know that I will have to wake up within a few hours once again just to repeat another shitty day on the job. I thrive on stress and 2-liter Pepsi One. By nature I am always on-edge and have the text-book "Type A" personality. I am a control-freak with OCD traits (mixed with narcissism) that is always thinking about the shit that has to be done tomorrow or shit that is done but still pending. It's the last thing I think about before retiring for the evening and usually the first thing that enters my mind once the alarm clock goes off. Perhaps if I was making a real paycheck as a civilian it would all be worth it but my broke ass isn't getting paid shit while being worked like a circus chimp. Heh. Like I've said previously there is SO MUCH SHIT I wanna comment on here about work but due to security reasons I can't. It's just the way it goes, but if you could put 2 + 2 together it would all make sense and you'd see a different angle of me and perhaps get a good laugh in return. What can I say. I think I will get the sleep I need once all this madness subsides. Who knows when that will be. Perhaps I should just drink a shitload of beer or Jack to help in the meantime. Eh.


Blogger AFeskimo said...

So what happened that CF was 'unavailable' there for a couple days?!!?!?!

8:54 PM  
Blogger NeverEnough said...

If you start a Fight Club, I'm IN!

9:01 PM  
Blogger Machine said...

If I start a Fight Club I'm gonna charge cash.

10:17 PM  

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