Silent Hill

Holy Shit. I gotta see this movie. It's at the German cinema (das Kino) and I'm gonna watch it tonight.
For the unenlightened, Silent Hill is a video game series which originated on the Playstation 1 that has spawned 3 sequels on the Playstation 2 (Silent Hill 2,3 & 4 respectively). I picked it up in 1999 and was automatically hooked. Think Resident Evil with a Satanic make-over - it is every bit dark and sinister as you would imagine a game of this nature to be, and have to hand it to the Japanese for making such a kick-ass game that no American company would dare doing since they don't have the same moralistic bullshit cry-baby watch groups dictating what society can and cannot do. Occult games and sexual games are the hot potatos of the console industry that few are willing to touch. My hat off to Konami for having the balls to do such a thing.

I hope the movie does the game series justice. Granted they can't elaborate as much, given the time constraints of the movie and MPAA bullshit standards but all things considered I am keeping high hopes. I have my own ideas about what and where Silent Hill is as a town, so we'll see how different my interpretation is from the movie.
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