Tuesday, March 29, 2005


I am convinced that Demons are just as real as the air we breathe, the ground we walk on, and the lives we live. I am disappointed we don't see more of them in our daily lives.

Instead, humanity takes the credit for some of the most fucked up events in history. From leaders like Genghis Khan to Josef Stalin and Idi Amin, the human race takes credit for mass genocide inflicted upon itself. When something like the tsunami that wiped out a good portion of Malaysia hit last year, it was called an act of God. Any time a natural disaster happens, people call it an act of God or an act of Nature. Very rarely does someone say "Oh wow, Satan kicked our ass with that last hurricane". With people like Torquemada and Charlemagne killing in the name of religion, it's pretty hard to for any other outside competition to exist, be it Demon, UFO Aliens, etc.

So where do Demons fit in?

I suppose some people think it would be more mundane. Domestic abuse, substance addiction, gambling and sexual perversities could be lumped into this category by most religious people, but often times these conditions are reversible - through therapy or some kind of medication. If you were to listen to someone like Pat Robertson or Benny Hinn, you'd be convinced that the majority of the human race is possessed like Linda Blair from The Exorcist. I don't think that's the case either.

After much consideration and reflecting on some previous experiences I've had, I've come to the conclusion they avoid us as much as we avoid them. Their agenda is completely unknown to us, despite what some vague reference in the Book of Revelations may have you believe. Unless you actively do something to get their attention, they're going to ignore you for the most part, and even then they may not listen to you unless you have something worth bargaining with.

Trust me on this one.

While I'm not going to give away any "trade secrets", I will say that it's alot easier to get in "contact" with one than you could possibly imagine.

The rest is up to you.


Blogger Crazy Girl City said...

You, my friend, are scary. :)

1:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I come in contact with demons every day...they're called Japanese.

10:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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10:56 AM  

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