Day Trip to Osan
Today was a day trip to Osan. A Turn n' Burn. I was planning on going up Friday, only this goddamned Kunsan Crud is still kicking my ass and today was the first day I've felt strong enough to go outside all day without having to take a nap. The fact that I didn't have to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn to catch the Wolf Pack Wheels there was awesome too - I could sleep in for a change.
Joe, aka Sith Master, has an SUV here and volunteered to take me and Chris along for the day. Chris was wanting to get some cigars and there's this kick-ass shop off base that sells them wholesale, so he wanted to tag along, as he had never been there before. He wanted to get out of Kunsan finally after being stuck here for 5 months, and don't blame the guy one bit. He brought his music collection and pretty much chilled on the way up there whilst Sith Master and I talked about old times, current times and new times in general. Most importantly, which direction the Air Force is going in and how revolted we both are because of it.
It used to be you could drink, fuck and fight and nobody would do or say anything as long as you kept it in moderation. With this new "P.C." Air Force crowd that is in leadership positions, that's no longer the case. Drinking and smoking are considered taboo and any mention of the word "alcohol" and "sex" in the same sentence will pretty much get you administrative disciplinary action, and if not that, black-balled all together for the time you're in. While Chris and Sith Master are telling me that Stateside it's not as bad as it is in places like Korea, it's definitely on the horizon for the Air Force as a whole. I don't know if I like that or not.
But enough of that mini-rant, back to the story at hand.
It had been a while (5 years roughly) since Sith Master had driven up to Osan and didn't remember the directions automatically. Time had passed and he was somewhat rusty behind the wheel, but it started coming back to him the closer we got to base. After taking a slight detour, we got our bearings and made it to the front gate, despite aiming for the back gate since there's less traffic and it's not some giant goat-rope getting through the gate guard. We flashed him our ID cards and then went to the BX.
Now Osan's BX is 10 times nicer than the ghetto BX we have here - I mean they really consolidated everything under one roof. Everything from getting a haircut to checking your account balance at the bank is all within walking distance. For once somebody did their homework and brought convenience to this part of the world. Hopefully it will catch on with the rest of Korea if word gets out. Chris and Sith Master were standing there in awe as to how nicer their Exchange was and how fucking dismal the BX down here is - day and night difference we're talking. Both were avidly pissed how we're getting the shaft while the Osan people have it so much nicer. That's just the way it goes.
I was supposed to meet someone I know from Chair-Force for lunch, only I never saw her at the food court the entire time we sat down to eat. Communication was kinda fuzzy between us all week and don't fault her since I wasn't too concrete with my plans. The way I see it, she probably ditched on me purposely so people wouldn't ask her questions later. I get alot of that it seems.
After finishing lunch, we looked around the BX a little bit but Chris really wanted to find his cigars. We had originally wandered around Kunsan City last weekend looking for these fuckers, only nobody knew what we were talking about, or at least didn't admit to it openly since alot of Koreans hate our ass down there. I remember the time just recently I went into a convenience store and put my stuff on the counter for the Korean dude (Adashi) to ring up, only the fucker helped 3 other Koreans that were standing behind me first, before finally getting around to giving me customer service, and even then he was acting like it was a real chore for him. Fucking asshole. And people say Americans are bigots! Anycase, we wandered around outside the front gate before we found a place that sold the cigars he was looking for. Chris was happier than a pig in shit that he finally found what he had been looking for.
Speaking of pigs in shit, this place is HELLA FUCKING NASTY during the summer months. On the way up, we drove past 3 pig farms at least where the smell was so fucking rank it singed the hair in your nose. Had it been a hot summer day instead of the muggy, overcast day like it was, we would've all been puking out of the car window simultaneously, I shit thee not. We got the idea to turn on the A/C and even then the smell was still coming through the vents. There was just no fucking way around it.
By this time it was getting to be late in the day so we wanted to start heading back to Kunsan. Just as Sith Master got lost getting us up there, we got lost driving the way back. It wasn't too bad since we were in no real hurry, however we did happen to pass by a place that sold ke-gogi before it becomes ke-gogi. Yes, DOGS IN CAGES waiting to get slaughtered. There were also bunny rabbits, chickens and ducks in cages too, only I wanted to stop and take a photo but Sith Master was against it. The Koreans get hella pissed when you do those kinda things for some odd reason. You know, for hosting the 1988 World Olympics, you'd think these fuckers would learn to lighten up and embrace multi-culturalism the way the rest of the world has but some habits just die hard, and ke-gogi is one of them. I'm quite certain if you look for photos on the internet of ke-gogi you can easily find some. Excuse me while I fucking puke.
Came back home and called it a day. Considering this is my last weekend in Korea before I fly out it was good I spent time with friends whom really matter, and had some crazy shit to talk about afterwards. While it's a shame Sith Master and I were able to hang out again so late in the game, at least we had the chance to reminisce old times about all the crazy shit we used to do. We are truly the "Last of the Mohicans" in that sense.
Joe, aka Sith Master, has an SUV here and volunteered to take me and Chris along for the day. Chris was wanting to get some cigars and there's this kick-ass shop off base that sells them wholesale, so he wanted to tag along, as he had never been there before. He wanted to get out of Kunsan finally after being stuck here for 5 months, and don't blame the guy one bit. He brought his music collection and pretty much chilled on the way up there whilst Sith Master and I talked about old times, current times and new times in general. Most importantly, which direction the Air Force is going in and how revolted we both are because of it.
It used to be you could drink, fuck and fight and nobody would do or say anything as long as you kept it in moderation. With this new "P.C." Air Force crowd that is in leadership positions, that's no longer the case. Drinking and smoking are considered taboo and any mention of the word "alcohol" and "sex" in the same sentence will pretty much get you administrative disciplinary action, and if not that, black-balled all together for the time you're in. While Chris and Sith Master are telling me that Stateside it's not as bad as it is in places like Korea, it's definitely on the horizon for the Air Force as a whole. I don't know if I like that or not.
But enough of that mini-rant, back to the story at hand.
It had been a while (5 years roughly) since Sith Master had driven up to Osan and didn't remember the directions automatically. Time had passed and he was somewhat rusty behind the wheel, but it started coming back to him the closer we got to base. After taking a slight detour, we got our bearings and made it to the front gate, despite aiming for the back gate since there's less traffic and it's not some giant goat-rope getting through the gate guard. We flashed him our ID cards and then went to the BX.
Now Osan's BX is 10 times nicer than the ghetto BX we have here - I mean they really consolidated everything under one roof. Everything from getting a haircut to checking your account balance at the bank is all within walking distance. For once somebody did their homework and brought convenience to this part of the world. Hopefully it will catch on with the rest of Korea if word gets out. Chris and Sith Master were standing there in awe as to how nicer their Exchange was and how fucking dismal the BX down here is - day and night difference we're talking. Both were avidly pissed how we're getting the shaft while the Osan people have it so much nicer. That's just the way it goes.
I was supposed to meet someone I know from Chair-Force for lunch, only I never saw her at the food court the entire time we sat down to eat. Communication was kinda fuzzy between us all week and don't fault her since I wasn't too concrete with my plans. The way I see it, she probably ditched on me purposely so people wouldn't ask her questions later. I get alot of that it seems.
After finishing lunch, we looked around the BX a little bit but Chris really wanted to find his cigars. We had originally wandered around Kunsan City last weekend looking for these fuckers, only nobody knew what we were talking about, or at least didn't admit to it openly since alot of Koreans hate our ass down there. I remember the time just recently I went into a convenience store and put my stuff on the counter for the Korean dude (Adashi) to ring up, only the fucker helped 3 other Koreans that were standing behind me first, before finally getting around to giving me customer service, and even then he was acting like it was a real chore for him. Fucking asshole. And people say Americans are bigots! Anycase, we wandered around outside the front gate before we found a place that sold the cigars he was looking for. Chris was happier than a pig in shit that he finally found what he had been looking for.
Speaking of pigs in shit, this place is HELLA FUCKING NASTY during the summer months. On the way up, we drove past 3 pig farms at least where the smell was so fucking rank it singed the hair in your nose. Had it been a hot summer day instead of the muggy, overcast day like it was, we would've all been puking out of the car window simultaneously, I shit thee not. We got the idea to turn on the A/C and even then the smell was still coming through the vents. There was just no fucking way around it.
By this time it was getting to be late in the day so we wanted to start heading back to Kunsan. Just as Sith Master got lost getting us up there, we got lost driving the way back. It wasn't too bad since we were in no real hurry, however we did happen to pass by a place that sold ke-gogi before it becomes ke-gogi. Yes, DOGS IN CAGES waiting to get slaughtered. There were also bunny rabbits, chickens and ducks in cages too, only I wanted to stop and take a photo but Sith Master was against it. The Koreans get hella pissed when you do those kinda things for some odd reason. You know, for hosting the 1988 World Olympics, you'd think these fuckers would learn to lighten up and embrace multi-culturalism the way the rest of the world has but some habits just die hard, and ke-gogi is one of them. I'm quite certain if you look for photos on the internet of ke-gogi you can easily find some. Excuse me while I fucking puke.
Came back home and called it a day. Considering this is my last weekend in Korea before I fly out it was good I spent time with friends whom really matter, and had some crazy shit to talk about afterwards. While it's a shame Sith Master and I were able to hang out again so late in the game, at least we had the chance to reminisce old times about all the crazy shit we used to do. We are truly the "Last of the Mohicans" in that sense.
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