Der Geizhalz Strikes Again!

The Commissary was having yet ANOTHER sale this past week! The item in question?
I love them. Ramen, Yakisoba, and Udon noodles. The 8 years I spent living in Asia has me hooked on them - that and rice. I could live on an Asian diet for the rest of my life and be completely happy with it.
Anycase, like I was saying, there was a shit load of these Ramen noodle cups on sale and bought them right up. People were looking at me like I was some freak (again) because I filled my shopping cart full of these and then proceeded to check out. Some kids were trying to steal some of mine and gave them the Machine scare-glance I give when people invade my personal space.

So now I have like 24 cases of the shit. I even took one in to work to eat for lunch, and the other case is on the kitchen table. Three minutes in the microwave and I'm eating like a king.
Yes, the Cheap Ass has struck again!
you fucking kill me:) how much were they?
They were $2.25 a case.
Do the math, I could eat one a day for 4 months straight!
Would it surprise you to know I just bought bunches of ramen noodles myself?
Great minds think alike!
they won't be the same without the korean spicy red pepper paste. i am addicted to the stuff:)
They sell the Korean ramen in most Commissaries around the world! It's the Japanese stuff that's really hard to come by :(
i am taking my powdered red pepper with me to Nam:) it could make almost anything edible:)
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