Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday Driving

Fuck. Today I can finally catch a breather although I have more German fucking homework than I know what to do with. Better start cracking! I have a presentation tomorrow in class as well as the final on Wednesday to prepare for. It's definitely going to be a wild ride. I hate the Autobahn because it's so poorly planned out. I don't know who the fucking assholes who designed it were, but half the road signs are easy to miss if you're not paying attention or if some stupid truck is blocking the exit indicator. And I thought these assholes were renowned for efficiency. The same goes for Frankfurt International Airport too. Mother's Day is a nightmare no matter where you go. I took my mom out today for lunch and every goddamned screaming brat was crying in unison it seemed. The Commissary, the BX, the's like weekends are prime time for miserable families to get out and share their burden with everyone else. If I ever get settled down and have kids, I'll keep them well behaved. No fucking tantrums in public, that's for certain. Saw STACY walking around today and gave her a ride. Yep. She's a total dork. We were discussing that stupid bullshit Final Fantasy: Advent Children movie today of all things. Jeezus Fucking Christ. Video game talk with the new troop. I gave her a ride over to the library so she could check her e-mail and then took off. I got a phone call today from a visiting reservist that's pissed because she left a bunch of her personal shit in the GOV we were letting her use, and how she no longer now has means of transportation to getting around. I get this phone call asking me "what I'm going to do about it" and explained that everything that "I" needed to do has already been taken care of. I wasn't about to stick my dick in the mashed potatos on this one, and told her that vehicle abuse isn't to be tolerated, and how she can take a taxi or the shuttle bus in order to get to and from work if need be. She started to get huffy at first but told her to take it up with our chain. Let them deal with the topic. Anycase...... So now that I've got this new audience, I think I'll throw this into the Kool-Aid mix: I asked that ckhnat chick this question and I'll say the same thing here. Why are you Christians all following a religion based on Middle Eastern beliefs? Unless you're Jewish (read: 100% kosher) chances are you're of European, African, Asian or Latino background most likely, and have no idea what our original beliefs and traditions were. Thanks to the Romans and the Catholic Church, the majority of pagan knowledge has been all but forgotten and religious sites have churchs built over them now, where temples and open ground once stood. Celtic heritage has been reduced down to nothing more than a chapter or two in most history books, with the occasional comic book idiot wearing a t-shirt or sporting a tribal band tattoo just because it "looks cool". Had it not been for Charlemagne, Germany would still have its Teutonic influences and Scandanavian countries would still have their Nordic roots. The Europeans, while perhaps not as sophisticated as the Egyptians or the Romans at the time, had very much an active culture, as witnessed in midieval reliefs and artwork of The Green Man or Sheela-na-Gig on the sides of churches everywhere. Despite having to erect monuments to someone claiming to be the son of a Hebrew god, the true intentions of the artisans was prevailent. Of course today we dare not insult the Pacific Islanders or the Africans when they have a carving of their gods on display or when Native Americans wear their ceremonial gear for ritual purposes since it would be deemed "insensitive" or "racist", yet let someone wear a pentagram or a Thor's Hammer and the Christian's won't think twice about going up their ass with an iron glove. So, why izzit you're all following a Middle-Eastern system of belief? Spare me the "Road to Romans" speech - I've heard it a zillion times. Put down the Bible, forget all the indoctrination from the pulpit, and discuss why it is you choose to follow a group of people our ancestors had no original knowledge of.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Machine, as I stated elsewhere, you too have bought in to the Middle Eastern-Religion that you scoff at. You aren't educated enough to be an Atheist, and your profile claims some type of Satanism. However, where does Satan, or Lucifer originate? As the antithesis of Jesus Christ, he appears in the "Middle-Eastern" text of the Bible. Explain that one. WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

10:12 PM  
Blogger NeverEnough said...

I just love dipshits like you who actually think YOUR children will never have a temper tantrum in public.

Happy Mother's Day :)

11:31 PM  
Blogger Machine said...

To paraphrase what I just wrote on ckhnat's blog - Satan is not limited to just the Judeo-Christian religion. The archetypal "bad guy" is known throughout every religion and culture out there, and to pigeon-hole a nemesis of sorts to just one religion or movement is ignorant. It shows how ignorant YOU really are and how you need to study other cultures and beliefs before casting stones.

I am really reluctant to start quoting The Satanic Bible and other references here since anytime someone parrots a text or a manuscript they sound like complete fucking morons, void of original thinking, but you assholes are really wanting more.


Fair enough.

6:26 AM  
Blogger Machine said...

"I just love dipshits like you who actually think YOUR children will never have a temper tantrum in public.

Happy Mother's Day :)"

Thank you. I love myself too.

6:27 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Sissy, Show me where Satan appears ANYWHERE outside of the Biblical text, other than in modern publications. You are a Middle-Eastern lover.

1:56 PM  
Blogger The Borg said...

Hi Machine.

Thanks for the invitation to talk about why we follow a belief system that originated from the Middle East. :)

In response, I have a question for you. Why is it so important to follow the belief system of our ancestors? I ask this because you seem to be implying that we should follow the Norse or Celtic Pagan religions since that is what most of our ancestors followed.

Not many thousands of years ago, all our ancestors were the same people, probably living in the Middle East. Does this mean that we should follow whatever belief system they had at time? (probably animistic or polytheism)

2:42 PM  
Blogger The Borg said...

I have a few more questions for you, Machine, but I'm hoping you'll answer those ones first before we go on. :)

2:44 PM  
Blogger The Borg said...

Sorry about the third post in a row! I just wanted to clarify that I ask these questions in a spirit of rationality and friendliness and I hope what others have said won't put you off discussing with me. :)

3:39 PM  
Blogger AFeskimo said...

Without being trite or boring....I guess the only thing I can say is that alot of the reasoning is tradition. Granted, you don't go in for it, not everyone does....but for the vast majority, it's tradition/habit. It's like Communism for the the current Russian's confortable, it's what we know, whether or not we buy completely into the whole schpeel. I was raised Southern Baptist, and have never understood why the Southern Baptist Convention thinks itself so far above what is already taught in the no drinking, when Jesus' first miracle was changing water to wine...why do it if wine is forbidden??? Little idiosyncracies like that....I could go on, but I'd bore you.....

See, I do post on your blog, and where's my TShirt??!?!!?!?!??!!?!?

5:28 PM  
Blogger Sacul said...

He wo hitte,
shiri tsubome

8:17 PM  
Blogger ckjolly said...

afeskimo ... I'm right there with you on Christians who add rules to Scripture.

9:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Who's ready for a Battle Royal? The Champ just checked in, and he's ready to crack some heads. NEEEEE-HAAAA!

Machine is a Christian Fundamentalist.

1:38 AM  

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