Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Good Bye Lenin

I hate Communists.

As much as I hate Politically Correct assholes, bleeding heart Liberals, douchebag Democrats, and head-up-their-asses Republicans. I am a proud Libertarian at least until something better comes along. While Germany has exported many awesome things, Karl Marx should've stayed at home when he had the chance, instead of espousing his bullshit Manifesto and thereby completely fucking up the world as we know it. Communists are the worst form of bureaucrats around, as there is no incentive whatsoever to take initiative at what they do since they will always have a job - be it a steel worker in Minsk or a prisoner in some Siberian gulag camp. They're the originators of the "Zero Tolerance" policy of the 20th Century since Josef Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, and Mao Tse Tung have killed and tortured more people than Hitler, Idi Amin or Saddam Hussein ever could.

We had to watch part of this film last night in German class - Good Bye Lenin - a film about the German reunification and how it affects one family. The background of the story is how in Communist Eastern Germany, the husband of a family defects and makes it over the border successfully. Because the wife of this guy is in such shock that he took off leaving her with the kids, she becomes a hard-core Communist as means of dealing with it all. Well, it turns out her son decides to join in with a peace march, protesting how the East Germans want to have more freedom for vacation traveling, and his mother sees him getting attacked by the Stasi (East German Secret Service) and collapses. She ends up in a coma for 3 months and during this time, the Berlin Wall comes down. Upon her recovery the doctor tells her family that any shock to her system would be disasterous since her health is very frail and considers the reunification to be too much for her to handle. So what do they do? They turn their house back into what it looked like under Communist rule and everyone dresses the same and behaves the same. She's bed-ridden the entire time and doesn't know any better.

This is as far as we made it in the film before class ended for the evening. The entire time I'm watching this film my blood starts to boil and this horrible taste begins to develop in my mouth. My stomach muscles tense up and I want to rip the fucking DVD out of the player and throw it outside the window or something. I am completely serious when I say I hate Communism and all the assholes who still believe it was a better system than capitalism. Any form of government that restricts individual liberties is fascist and therefore a cancer to the people who support it, regardless of how they sugar-coat it and Communism is the perfect example of what I mean.

Just as Adolf Hitler is the embodiment of evil to the American public, no expense should be spared casting Karl Marx or any of the other people who have used Communism as their primary means of influence in the same mold. Aside from Gorbachev I can't think of any leader of the Soviet Union who had the balls to say "fuck this bullshit" and realize how insane their whole system was. Kids today who want to wear a fucking Che Guevara t-shirt and think it's "cool" should be sent to Cuba, one-way ticket. People who think the Chinese are so "wonderful" should ask the Dalai Lama when he will be able to return to Tibet. Exactly. Let's not forget Kim Il Sung and his half-wit son Kim Jong Il up in North Korea either.

Perhaps I will ask my German teacher if I can borrow the DVD to see how it ends. I am hoping that the Communist mother finds out how horribly her system of government failed and has an anuerysm and dies. If anything I can continue improving my German comprehensive skills.


Sidenote: That douchebag Karl Marx as it turns out, was born just up the road from where Kaiserslautern is located, in Trier Rheinland-Pfalz. I should go find where his house is and plaster pro-democracy posters right across from it some time. Asshole.


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