Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp
I was bumming around the BX yesterday when I found a rare gem from my youth that I had all but forgotten:

This show aired on ABC from 1970 - 1972 and I caught the re-runs later on when I was a kid. Imagine the TV show GET SMART with monkeys instead of people acting in them. They had some cheesey 70's stuff thrown in there as well("Chimpies" which were short comedy sketches, as well as "The Evolution Revolution", a band of hippy chimps that played some pretty decent songs considering they were written for mainstream America) but after a while you wondered more if you were watching an off-shoot of the Banana Splits Show or perhaps a Planet of the Apes episode, only without the stupid people running around making asses of themselves.

The government organization known as A.P.E. (Agency to Prevent Evil) was out to defeat C.H.U.M.P (the Criminal Headquarters for Underworld Master Plan), an agency bent on world domination. Lancelot Link is the main hero with Mata Hairi as his side-kick. Together they were out to foil the likes of The Baron and The Dragon Lady, as well as their henchman-turned-chauffer Creto.

It's not so much the 70's kitsch that appeals to me - it's the fact that these chimps were outright ABUSED in order to make the show happen! I mean it's quite obvious looking now how mishandled these creatures were by their owners when watching these episodes. They beat eachother up and have all sorts of shit fall on top of them from huge rocks to bananas. It's quite funny when you remove yourself from all the P.C. horse shit we've been conditioned with today. I for one am hoping there's a bloopers reel on the DVD somewhere, where they show them fighting, flinging poo, masturbating, and just throwing an overall shit-fit the way chimpanzees do when they become frustrated. It would be the best 5 minutes of footage. Ever. Why we don't have caged monkey fights televised today I dunno but I would die laughing if someone had some footage from like Thailand or someplace. Too fucking funny.
I plan on catching the rest of the episodes when I get the chance. They're great.

This show aired on ABC from 1970 - 1972 and I caught the re-runs later on when I was a kid. Imagine the TV show GET SMART with monkeys instead of people acting in them. They had some cheesey 70's stuff thrown in there as well("Chimpies" which were short comedy sketches, as well as "The Evolution Revolution", a band of hippy chimps that played some pretty decent songs considering they were written for mainstream America) but after a while you wondered more if you were watching an off-shoot of the Banana Splits Show or perhaps a Planet of the Apes episode, only without the stupid people running around making asses of themselves.

The government organization known as A.P.E. (Agency to Prevent Evil) was out to defeat C.H.U.M.P (the Criminal Headquarters for Underworld Master Plan), an agency bent on world domination. Lancelot Link is the main hero with Mata Hairi as his side-kick. Together they were out to foil the likes of The Baron and The Dragon Lady, as well as their henchman-turned-chauffer Creto.

It's not so much the 70's kitsch that appeals to me - it's the fact that these chimps were outright ABUSED in order to make the show happen! I mean it's quite obvious looking now how mishandled these creatures were by their owners when watching these episodes. They beat eachother up and have all sorts of shit fall on top of them from huge rocks to bananas. It's quite funny when you remove yourself from all the P.C. horse shit we've been conditioned with today. I for one am hoping there's a bloopers reel on the DVD somewhere, where they show them fighting, flinging poo, masturbating, and just throwing an overall shit-fit the way chimpanzees do when they become frustrated. It would be the best 5 minutes of footage. Ever. Why we don't have caged monkey fights televised today I dunno but I would die laughing if someone had some footage from like Thailand or someplace. Too fucking funny.
I plan on catching the rest of the episodes when I get the chance. They're great.
Chimps ROCK.
And yes they are funnier than midgets! People want to have hot MONKEY SEX, not hot MIDGET SEX the way I see it. Although....I wonder if that's what Michael Jackson's attraction to Bubbles the chimp was all about?
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