Monday, July 17, 2006

Rhine River Cruise

So kids, THE MACHINE went on a cruise on the Rhine River yesterday and saw more German heritage than he could possibly care for all in one day. The Rhine River has more castles that line it than anywhere else in Germany if I'm not mistaken. If you're a castle nut then you have to do this trip. I was kinda bored after the first castle I saw and wanted to go home. I did find a town called ASSMANNHAUSEN - the German translation is 'The houses of Ass Men' possibly? Well considering I found a place called "Bitche France", this is something that's right up my alley (or in this case literally a river) as well. Who the fuck came up with these names I don't know but I wanna thank them. The only drawback was that every disgusting European man over the age of 65 was out enjoying the nice weather in their SPEEDOS. One dude in particular had a THONG SPEEDO. FUCKING GROSS. Anyone wearing one of these things needs to be shot. Okay. Sat-turd-day I saw a biker gang of Satanists, and thought it was unusual but pretty cool nonetheless. Well yesterday coming home I see a BLACK VAN with a PENTAGRAM painted on the back doors. The tour bus I was taking was going slow as fuck as I'm stumbling to get the camera to photograph it, but by the time I was able to turn my camera on and focus it, the van was out of range. I managed to snap a photo anyways but it looks like shit. I think it was the go-fer van for some video firm called "" - I tried finding it on both the Yahoo and German Yahoo search engine but to no avail. If someone else can muster up the damn website then more power to yah. I think the Devil is keeping tabs on me or something. I think by now I've had enough German food and culture to choke Kaiser von Wilhelm himself. I need to take a break from going on these stupid tours, college German and just the overall exposure of the area. Methinks I'll go to France for the weekend soon.


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