Wednesday, June 28, 2006

German Mid-Term

So kids, between all the bullshit that my new promotion brings me and the regular run-of-the-mill KMC bullshit I gotta tend to, I now have a German Mid-Term I gotta study for in the mix as well. Needless to say my X-BOX 360 is still sitting snugly inside the original packaging, quietly in the corner of my living room. Eh. Who needs free time anyways, right? Fuck. There's one excessively hairy fat chick that sits next to me that wants to bang the hell outta me. Now naturally I'd indulge, only SHE HAS A MOUSTACHE that's thicker than mine, and I'm convinced I have some kinda recessive Mediterranean gene kicking around in me, as dark complexive as I am (afterthought: did that sound right?). Now for a chick to be able to grow a fucking handle bar moustache without even trying is way fucking scary. I'd hate to see her get a Brazilian wax job done or something. Ew. Eh. Perhaps the last week of class I'll test the waters and get some she-beast lovin' for a change. That way if the shit goes sour (which it most likely will) I will only have to put up with her shit for a week at the very most before being able to pack shit up and dismiss the entire sitch all together. Yes kids, THE MACHINE doesn't have time for complicated romances or anything like that right now - friends with benefits or to simply put it : FUCK AND RUN tactics is all I can allow with my schedule being what it is. And come to think of it, I might end up getting my assignment here cut short - it turns out that I may not be able to extend the way I want to in Germany/Europe since they have too many people filling the manning slots here for the moment - yes it's all a numbers game but goddammit if I have to bite the bullet and do yet ANOTHER year in Korea just to avoid some shit-hole assignment stateside like North Dakota or New Mexico, I'm going out kicking and screaming. Fuck that horse shit. At least with Korea it's only 12 months compared to the years and years it takes to escape Kansas or Idaho. So. I'm gonna fuck the she-beast and live to regret it. Mark my words.


Blogger Ruckus said...

i've been stationed in while you can:)

3:00 AM  
Blogger Machine said...

Don't fuck with the Jews. Period.

9:36 PM  

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