Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Happy 6-6-6 Day

Yes, today as you all know is 6 June 2006. Or simply

6-6-6 Day

Christians everywhere are holding their breath in anticipation of the appearance or perhaps the birth of their false messiah. They are looking to the Book of Revelations and trying to match up world events with prophesized events that were foretold over 2000 years ago.

Well kids, the Anti-Christ did appear today and if you're lucky, you can still catch him. He appeared at your local mall in the food court, dressed up in a Mexican wrestling outfit, and wearing a little matching cape. Kids get free balloons and he's signing autographs too. If you remember to bring a camera with you, you can get your photo taken with him. During an intermission he will do special wrestling moves for the public while the Satan's Cheerleaders do their pom-pom dances and cheers for the audience. T-shirts and other paraphenalia will be on sale for $6.66 today, but today only, so stock up on gifts for the kids' birthdays, Christmas, and graduation gifts. The buttons with his face make excellent stocking stuffers.

Jesus, as you know, is Messican. Don't believe me? Look at this photo I took at Rothenburg over the weekend as proof! So by default, the Anti-Christ is Messican as well.

And he entered America as an illegal too.


Blogger Manic The Doodler said...

Yeah, I remember a bit on an old Cheech and Chong album where they were questioning him at the border checkpoint from Mexico to the U.S....

9:41 PM  
Blogger Ruckus said...

I agree that he does appear to be Messican:) Guess that makes him a beaner:)

3:17 AM  
Blogger Machine said...

Thank you C.Adam. At least someone is paying attention out there.

6:10 AM  
Blogger Ruckus said...

guess there is no love for the white girl...again:)

C.Adam--'Fuck you' will always be a a classic. So here's to classics....

7:10 AM  
Blogger NeverEnough said...

I laughed too hard reading this...

7:25 PM  

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