Thursday, June 22, 2006

Work Work and more Work

Well kids I'm definitely running on all 4 cylinders now - not that I wasn't before but with the summer getting in full swing I'm one multi-tasking motherfucker. STACY has yet another boyfriend now - some dude who is a firefighter according to her. "So what, you wanna play with his hose or something?" I replied this morning when I heard her tell me this. She turned bright red, laughed and said that was an inappropriate comment for me to make. "Why? RAAB was a cop and you wanted to play with his gun" I concluded. So no more RAAB. Oh well. She's boy-crazy and is starting to go through men like toilet paper the way I see it. GOMEZ is just one lazy motherfucker. No ambition. No motivation. I have to put fire under the fucker's ass to get him moving. This sucks. He's not some newbie either but has been used to life at his previous assignment where all he did was sit on his ass and surf the net most the day - I've told him point blank he needs to be Johnny-on-the-Spot with shit now that he's working for me. Or would it be Juanny-on-the-Spot since he's Messican? Who knows. What I DO know is the fucker better find it in him somewhere - beit a higher power or self-hypnosis or some shit otherwise I'm going to request he get moved to another section. Fucking lazy asshole is what he is. STACY has more drive than he does and she doesn't know shit since she's fresh outta boot camp, the comparison is that obvious. I wanna write more but I've got German homework I gotta do. So fuck off already and do something more entertaining than reading this shitty blog.


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