Saturday, July 01, 2006


Well shit. I suppose it was about time something like this was going to happen. Yes kids, THE MACHINE has a STALKER. Well. More of a CYBER-STALKER. What the fuck. Someone with the screen name of dorky_white_chik claims to know me and has met me. She claims to be the niece of someone I know and dropped a name that I don't recognize. Usually I'm pretty good with names of people I know and remember the family of friends and acquaintances I know, but I'm seriously drawing a blank on this one. Is it a case of simple mistaken identity? Or is it someone just fucking with me? Could it be OSI or perhaps some law enforcement agency trying to find out who I really am? Or perhaps some moral brigade out to entrap me into some foul kinda shit? I have no idea. What I DO know is that this person found ME out and claims to know me and I cannot honestly remember who the hell she is - if it's even a "she". Chances are it's some lonely pathetic dude pretending to be a chick and is royally fucked up on the inside. That's even worse. Listen kids, THE MACHINE don't pull sick twisted shit like this. I'm not into underage girls, or sick psychotic fuck-o's masquerading as such. I'm a SADIST that's true but that's as far as it goes. My name ain't Michael Jackson OR Gary Glitter. So. Chances are whoever this stalker is reads this blog and will see that I'm onto their sherade and I'm not falling for it. "Dorky_white_chik" can pack "her" shit and hit the road. Go bother some balding 38 year old dork that lives in his mother's basement and collects D&D figurines. Now leave me the fuck alone already. (side note: If any of you assholes know how I can ping Yahoo IM profile names, get with me off line and give me the details. I want to expose this psycho for who they really are.)


Blogger NeverEnough said...

Is she mean to you or does just want you?

11:05 PM  
Blogger Ruckus said...

flwhat the fuck machine...

why can't you just get some hot chick that wants to bang you and doesn't have a handle bar mustache? sorry to hear about your stalker...if you need some avoidance tips let me know...i spent much of my time in the rok dealing with stalkers of one kind or another....

1:53 AM  
Blogger Machine said...

All I know is that she "claims" to know me through some people who I've never heard of before - she dropped their names and I'm like WTF. I've even fired HOW it is she knows me but I'm pretty good with people I remember meeting.

So far she hasn't been vulgar or anything but despite my being "polite" she still doesn't catch my drift.

Of course if she's over the legal age of consent (and infection free) then that's a completely different story.....THE MACHINE don't do date rape either.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Ruckus said...

i agree with c.adam...maybe it is a gift sent from below:)

8:19 PM  
Blogger coma boy said...

dude, she's probably the hottest fucking chick in town. you should meet the psycho. she's probably real insecure and super "grateful" in the bedroom.

*use the nailgun if it's a dude
*flee if it's the feds
*throat fuck her for hours if she's a hotty

stalkers rule!

9:39 PM  

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