Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Well kids the good news about getting more people to work with is that you can spread out the responsibilities more evenly and can start getting back on track to having a normal routine. The bad news is that if they're all a bunch of fuck-wits who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, you end up babysitting a bunch of nuggets. Or as I would like to refer to them as HEMORRHOIDS. Yes goddammit, THE MACHINE has 3 HEMORRHOIDS he is responsible for and like the real-life hemorrhoids, THEY ARE A CONTINUAL PAIN IN HIS ASS. I won't go into details but I will say that I'd have a better time teaching a rock how to swim than these 3 stooges how to breathe without messing that up. It's like once kids leave the house all common sense (if they had any) goes out the window and YOU have to end up explaining why it is one of these dumb-asses can't manage their finances, pay their bills on time, or why it is they can't keep their pants zipped up or hold their liqour. Fucking Christ it's like having kids of my own practically. I am by no means a role model for people to look up to. The only thing that separates me from most crazy assholes out there is I know the importance of personal responsibility as well as the consequences of my actions. I am not a moral person by any stretch of the imagination. So who has the Preparation H for these fuckers?


Blogger Machine said...

True but I'm not going to fucking hold their hands the way the military wants me to, but I flaunt my vices unlike most of the hypocrites that criticize me.

Perhaps if the military let people be people more often and dropped the bullshit song & dance it would operate better.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Ruckus said...

i have a picture that you may enjoy:)

11:31 PM  

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