Love or Power
Which one do you want?
On days like today when I am feeling more of my demonic side, I crave power. It's not because I've been doing anything high profile or anything which merits accolades - it's just something that comes like the ebb and flow of the tide. Who knows.
I was listening to the AC/DC album HIGH VOLTAGE this morning on my way to work and pretty much the afternoon when I was away from the office. On the cover is what I believe is to be Angus Young, the guitarist that dresses up like a school boy but looks ridiculous instead of being some cult icon. Considering the album was released in the 70's originally I suppose it's freaky for its time but looking at the album art now he looks like a zombie playing a guitar. Or perhaps some dorky retard with Down Syndrome that's constipated. Either way it looks awful.
I really didn't get into AC/DC when I was a kid - it wasn't until much later that I began to appreciate the Satanic screechings of Bon Scott before he had his untimely demise. Still, I can admire the subtle nuiances and toilet humor he sings about. BACK IN BLACK is by far the best party album ever. You can put the CD player on repeat and get shit-faced to every song over and over again.
But that's besides the point. I figure perhaps the reason why I admire their music is because they've had to fight for every inch of notoriety and respect they've garnished. The first song "It's a long way to the top (if you wanna rock n' roll)" echoes all the bullshit we have to put up with just to stay on top. It's POWER they're after, although you will have to excuse any kind of cheesey references between the two which may immediately come to mind. The same can be said for the line of work I do. It certainly ain't love that I do this job for. Power satiates. It binds. Of course absolute power corrupts absolultely which is why you have so many dictators, politicians and tele-evangelists alike who get a taste of it and go ape-shit. They don't know their limits or how to handle such responsibility.
I for one can go my entire existance without love. Hell I've been doing it for the majority of my adult life, but can't do without power from time to time. Not the bullshit that comes from a badge or an emblem on your sleeve but the real deal which comes from within. The power to move. The power to inspire. The power to corrupt. The power to be true yet still decieve. The power that comes from music, art, and the written word. Different from money or anything else material. Different from a show of force by military might or violence. Cerebral. Ephemeral. Feral. Once you get a taste it's something nobody can live without.

I saw AC/DC shortly before Bon Scott died and on the Back In Black tour--two of the best concerts I've ever seen. The first time they were the opening act for a band called UFO. UFO might as well have not shown up--Angus & Co blew them away before they even had the chance to play. For my money, Angus Young is one of the all-time great guitar players--he runs around on the stage non-stop the entire show, jerking his head up and down, all while he is playing the guitar, even during solos... A sight to behold, indeed.
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