Armageddon Days are Here Again
One thing I always seem to suffer from are stupid crazy dreams. I've discussed them previously here on the Black Rusted Van, however one of them keeps popping up from time to time - usually when I am in a predominantly Christian environment. Since San Antonio is predominantly Hispanic, it's safe to say it's predominantly CATHOLIC and while they don't go around screaming fire and brimstone, the intent is more or less still there. Anycase last night I had one of those "Rapture" dreams where I dreamt it was the Second Coming and people started vanishing left and right. Suddenly, just outta the blue, jets were dropping from the skies, buses and automobiles were crashing and people were going haywire. I took it one step further and knowing that the Anti-Christ was going to soon appear, started shooting people anonymously since pandemonium was now the new law. I caught a shitloada .22 slugs in my leg that I had to dig out, but not before I killed the crap outta some Mexicans first. I then began to procede in working for the Man Downstairs by rallying support from the masses, knowing that our time was short. It is then when I woke up, somewhat relieved it was nothing more than just my subconscious mind over-reacting to this change of environments which I had encountered so abruptly.
I blame these kinda dreams on my time in North Carolina, where every street corner it seemed had a church or billboard with some kinda sign condemning you to a life of eternal torment if you didn't get your ass in their church Sunday and "repent" of your wicked lifestyle. I used to think this kinda thing was so real it wasn't until I left North Carolina completely did I get back in the swing of things and realize it's 99% an act. Call me naive at the time but when you're some wet-behind-the-ears kid looking for leadership and guidance, you find it in the most unusual of places.
Anycase I heard some Guard guy today casually mention how the Iranians are screaming that TOMORROW is the end of the world, according to their sources. What sources they mean I don't know but I reflected for a moment on last night's dream and had to chuckle. Of course it's going to end - FOR THEM. They've brought on so much shit onto themselves by supporting Hezbollah it wouldn't suprise me if Israel or some other country (possibly us) does another pre-emptive strike to put these nut-jobs in line. Perhaps what I was dreaming about wasn't so much from an Apocalyptic chain of events, as more so it was perhaps REMOTE VIEWING of sorts. It did mention in the news today how some Israeli jets pummeled the crap outta more Lebanese targets, so perhaps that's what I was somehow watching? Who knows. It sounds like crap but it's entertaining at least.
Maybe I can catch the re-run tonight when I go to bed!
I was thinking more of SUSPECT ZERO than Art Bell. That hack.
Hello Macine and readers,
Here's a cure for such disturbing dreamscapes...
I pose to you and others that the context and meaning of these ancient texts have been lost on those confused by the assertions of religious leaders and founders. Ancient wisdom has been purposely recast and obfuscated into religion and mysticism. Consequently, the interpretations presented about the sources and meaning of these texts and the philosophy and cosmology of ancient Hebrew sages is completely wrong. Before you scoff and write me off, you should understand that I speak from personal experience...
Understanding the Fatal Flaws in Judeo-Christian-Islamic Prophecy
Remember the saying that "the truth will set you (and others) free?" How does "opening one's eyes to the truth" relate to "making the blind see again" or "shining the light" or "illuminating a subject?" Notice the inherent symbolism associated with this supposed New Testament "miracle?"
As certain world leaders strive to instigate a fabricated "battle of Armageddon," it is vital to understand and spread the truth about these ancient texts to help bring about an end to such abominable evil. You can never expect philosophies based on lies and great error to lead to peace and harmony. How many more millennia of terrible proof is necessary before humanity finally gets a clue that most have been utterly deceived by the very concept of religion.
Without it, Bush, the Neo-Cons, and their cohorts could never have gained and retained political power by manipulating an already deluded and susceptible constituency. Likewise, their thinly veiled partners in crime, Bin Laden and his ilk, could never have succeeded in their roles in this centuries-old Vatican-led grand deception.
We are all trapped by a web of deception formed by money, religion, and politics. The great evils that bedevil us all will never cease until humanity finally awakens, shakes off these strong delusions, and forges a new path to the future.
Here is Wisdom...
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