Monday, December 12, 2005

Jennifer and Sembach

Okay. There's this chick I know through Julie named Jennifer. She's the same age as I am and like Julie, has seen more dicks than the Men's Bathroom at LAX. She's a sweet girl for the most part that just can't say "no" and always seems to be the butt-end of office jokes and pranks gone a-foul everywhere. But Jennifer, unlike Julie, takes all her failures in life very personally and has mega-low self esteem issues. I'm talking more issues than Sports Illustrated here. But what do you do when some chick who has gorgeous blue eyes stares at you and gives you her phone number to hang out? I mean, Life has pulled its dick out and has slapped her in the face a couple of times with it, so should I be dude # 5 million and 15 to do the same? There in lies the dilemma. I could continue the chain of abuse she has experienced throughout the years or I can let her dump all of her emotional garbage the size of a land-fill on me and have to deal with all her bullshit and psychosis. While I don't claim to know shit, I do know that when a man and a woman get involved, a man usually ends up inheriting all of the woman's problems whether he wants to or not. She will fucking put him through hell and he has no choice but to deal with it. I have seen it time and again in my life as well as the lives of my friends. Dudes just can't win which is why I prefer to remain single. A piece of ass is not worth the suffering it comes with although man cannot live on bread alone and I'm starting to develop a nasty rash from all this jerking off. Anycase I went to Sembach today - a place I haven't been in well over 15 years. It was wild returning to what is pretty much a ghost town now. Then again it's out in the middle of nowhere and could easily be missed from the Autobahn so it doesn't surprise me. I flashed back to when I was 18 years old and how much time had passed between then and now and how naive I was about the military then. After a moment's reflection I got in the truck and went about my business. No tears here. I know I will live to regret whichever choice I make with Jennifer, and that's the bottom line. Psycho chicks and me mix like gasoline and fire and perhaps it's just best I throw away her number and walk away. Still, after being here 3 months I still know few people and if anything she can introduce me to other people who know people. Consider it networking. I know that either way word will ultimate make its way back to Julie and then that's another whole mess that I'd rather not deal with. Bitches are no fun.


Blogger Machine said...

*LOL* Lemme ask the Man Downstairs himself ~ !

10:22 PM  
Blogger NeverEnough said...

Don't be a pussy!! Just do it and don't think about her problems! Oh, and get a condom or two.

10:55 PM  
Blogger Machine said...

She's hot. Enough. I suppose.

Chances are she'll get hooked like a heroin addict on me the first time I make her cum. I really don't need that shit.

And yes, I'll double-bag it but no kissing or eating pussy. Who knows what's been where and for how long!

7:08 PM  

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