Sunday, December 04, 2005


When we sleep we all dream. Whether or not we remember it is another thing but I think I can safely say it's something we all have in common. I have this recurring dream where I have killed someone and have buried the body someplace safe, only it is about to be discovered for some reason - either a construction crew is about to dig it up unknowingly, or the cops are about to stumble upon it and I'm going to be up shit creek if I don't do something about it before it happens. Of course I have never killed anyone in real life (that I know of) since it's illegal, despite the pleasure it would give me. My life is pretty much an open book when it comes to this kinda stuff but the only thing I think it can relate to is perhaps some subconscious bullshit that's bothering me. Pretty much all the bullshit I've been through has been there for everyone to see, from the times I've screwed people over to the times I've been screwed over, everything pretty much got dealt with in one way or another. While there are a few loose ends in my life that don't need to be mentioned, I pretty much live my life guilt-free and do what I want. It's THE LAW that prevents me from truly living crazy since I've been to prison before (aka Kunsan) and don't wish to experience anything like that ever again. So what does this teach me? If I ever hack up a body I need to plan it out well in advance so then nobody ever DOES find the corpse! I suppose I could do it mafia style where I chop the dude up and dump his remains off an ocean pier, or give the guy cement overshoes wrapped in barbed wire. My favorite method would be to douse the fucker with gasoline and give him a viking funeral, and sweep up whatever bones remain afterwards. See, as children we're taught to be afraid of nightmares but you can learn so much if you just look at things from a different perspective!


Blogger Machine said...

I was thinking more of an MRE plant but I suppose that would work too!

4:28 PM  
Blogger NeverEnough said...

I think somebody needs a good fucking :)

5:30 PM  
Blogger Machine said...

I can only imagine what those meat packing plants would charge IF they could get away with charging extra for the bugs and stuff that make their way into our food!

4:47 PM  

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