Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Goddammit it's been cold this past week! I've been freezing my balls off despite the fact I've been bundled up and kept the space heater going. I don't know if this is a sign of this horseshit global warming that all these alarmists are screaming about or if Germany is naturally this cold during the winter months. All I know is that I'm developing some kind of reaction to the weather - the skin on my hands looks like it's developing some sort of eczema. German 112 is starting to make a little bit more sense. Tonight we learned a very important law regarding past-tense. You know how in the English language we use the ending "ed" at the end of a word, like "I looked"? Well the Germans have something very similar only it goes at the beginning of the word. "Ge". For example "Ich habe gehabt" or "I have had" and the cool thing is that once you tack that "ge" part on the beginning of the verb, you don't fuck around with it anymore. I know this probably sounds boring as fuck to the most of you (NeverEnough especially) but this really turned the lights on in the attic for me when the teacher was explaining this tonight. It's bad enough I'm struggling to catch up with everyone else but every little bit helps. Oh yeah. And there are two fuck-tard lovebirds in the class who sit next to eachother and practically lick one another or some shit while the teacher is teaching. I saw them in the parking lot tonight sucking face despite the subfreezing chill and wondered what the fuck that was all about. At least if they're going to make out, film it so we can put it on the internet and make a fucking buck from it or something. It must be nice to get laid on a frequent basis. I wouldn't know. I need to go wipe my ass with a cheese grater - the ramen noodles are acting up.


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