Silvester, Neujahrestag und der Hasse
The Germans are definitely some interesting people. New Year's Eve over here is know officially as Silvester instead of something more common like Neujahrenacht and New Year's Day is known as Neujahrestag. Pretty simple stuff I suppose. Well, the Germans like to break out the fireworks and celebrate the new year in addition to getting drunk, puking their guts out, and waking up in strange places just like the rest of us. My only question is who wants to FREEZE THEIR ASSES OFF just to watch some sparklers and Roman candles go off?
Not me.
I'd rather be inside where it's warm DRINKING MY ALCOHOL and not having some Screaming Mimi go off in my face prematurely! The assholes in my neighborhood were up all night shooting off fireworks - I swear I thought there was an EOD team out there or something with all the explosions going off, and even into the next day too. I guess they wanted to get rid of some left-overs so then they didn't have them kicking around all year. Eh. Whatever. If they really wanna have some balls and start the new year off with a bang they would've used some gasoline too. Eh. Whatever.
Now after everyone was nursing their hang-overs on New Year's Day, I decided to go out for a drive. The roads were clear of any traffic whatsoever and since I kept my alcoholic insanity to a minimum I woke up like nothing happened. Going through the KMC area I saw a couple of signs that some disgruntled locals had posted up, essentially telling us to pack our shit and leave. I took photos of them, so here they are:
Apparently the locals are pissed about all the extra jet noise they've inherited now that Rhein-Mein Air Base has closed indefinitely and they put the blame squarely on us. What they don't mention is the fact that their MAYOR authorized us the airspace months ago despite their protests and he's the asshole they should be sore at, not us. I'm starting to learn that Europeans are no different than Americans in the sense they'll bitch and fuss at the wrong people for the choices their politicians make and fail to remember these problems come election time. Eh. If these fuckers want us out then they need to let their newly-elected Chancellor Merkel know about this so we can pack our bags and go home, but last I checked their economy is in the shitter and the jobs we've provided them have helped off-set alot of that. Hmmm.
Considering all the hell they were raising the other night with the fucking fireworks I can't help but to call these assholes a bunch of hypocrites so until these goddamned cry-babies come up with a solution they can post all the anti-American sentiment they want. We'll just continue to provide them with a paycheck and ignore them.
Money talks, motherfuckers.

So, how much is a drunk dial from Deutschland these days?
A bottle of Jack and a calling card away.....!
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