Thursday, October 13, 2005

Not quite

Yesterday I got my phone line FINALLY installed. The dude from TKS or whatever (Not Deutsche Telekom) came over and crossed a wires. Next thing I know, I'm in business.


I can finally get back on-line again full time, update my blog everyday and jerk off to internet porn like good old times right?

Well, not quite.

Turns out that Fritz or Hans or whatever the fuck his name was did indeed get me internet connection, but the douchebags at TKS need to send me my USERNAME and PASSWORD in the mail. WTF? GERMANY is renowned for being streamlined and efficient, and go to ridiculous extremes at times especially when it comes to recycling literally everything they use. From dirty diapers and used condoms to human remains, NOTHING goes to waste, so why do I have to wait for a goddamned password and log on ID? I bitched to my landlord about it and in broken English he explained to me that's just the way it is, and showed me what the envelope will look like once it arrives. He has the same provider and everything.

So now we play the waiting game. From what I understand it may take a few weeks too, going from what my German co-worker was telling me today. NOT COOL.

Speaking of German, the Fall semester should be opening up for German 101 and tomorrow I need to get my ass registered. And speaking of co-workers, Barbie and I are about to kill one another.

Barbie, as you may remember, looks nothing like her plastic doll counterpart, hence the name. She is morally repulsive as she is physically unattractive and would rather be stuck in a room with an enraged pit bull than have to work with her on a daily basis. She gets pissed that I'm showing people the regulations and how to do shit THE RIGHT WAY and she has no knowledge of this, despite the fact she has access to the same publications I have. It's not top secret material and she's required to know her shit, and when confronted I give her a dose of attitude right back. The way I see things, I don't have time for bullshit and drama at this stage in the game, and that fucking office is a goddamned shark tank if you know what I mean. I know I'm the new guy and that always requires an adjustment period but if things don't shape up within a month, my ass is volunteering for EVERYTHING possible just to get out of that snake pit and away from all that unhealthiness. I'm not into playing games.

Oh yeah. And my car is here from the States finally. I plan on picking it up tomorrow and in turn get the piece of shit BMW that I've been driving for the past month repaired. I figure I would wait until my Passat arrived, that way if the Beemer needs to stay in the shop overnight or whatever, I'm not stuck taking a taxi home and back to work. It needs just routine stuff - new timing belt, alignment, tune up. I figure if I get that shit knocked out all at once I'll be able to sell the fucker alot easier that way and make some lemonade out of this fucking lemon. Maybe I can afford a hooker for 50 Euro then!


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