Thursday, May 07, 2015


I had a dream last night that I was visiting Japan, specifically Tokyo. Upon waking, I discovered that today is the ten year mark I took leave to go up to Osan, and to catch a hop to Yokota Air Base. I had to wait the weekend, since there was nothing going out until that Monday, however I patiently stood by.

Part of me still wishes to return to Japan, although with the Fukushima radiation leaking into the Pacific Ocean, I am certain that it is impacting the mainland as well. Why the media is silent on this tragedy of apocalyptic proportions, I don't know. Instead, they'd rather focus on gay rights issues, and who used the "N" word. The recent Baltimore riots were nothing more than just proof of how liberals continue to fail America, yet insist their shit don't stink.

Dusseldorf has a Little Tokyo section, and I will make an effort to visit it soon. It's the closest thing I can get to having my Japanese fix, without having to go all the way over there.

Ignore these four words