Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Puerto Rican Pagan

 I attended a class the other day where I work, and some Puerto Rican dude was wearing a Thor's Hammer necklace with a wolf's head pendant on top of it. The wolf's head was separate from the Thor's Hammer, and most likely symbolized Fenriz from the Norse mythology. The dude didn't look like some fat gamer nerd or dweeb who was into the fantasy artwork and lifestyle, but like someone you would meet from Brooklyn, the Bronx, or any other part of NYC. many "Puerto Ricans" are truly from the island these days? That's a whole topic for a different discussion....

Anycase, this had me thinking "What in the hell is some Latino guy doing wearing Scandinavian/Anglo culture?" Last I checked, the Vikings were Norsemen who conquered parts of England, France, Germany, and Northern Europe. They even set foot on Canada before any other Europeans. They never made it to the Caribbean or further south, so why is he identifying with something that he doesn't have any connection with? He can't claim ethnic ancestry or anything like that. Just like a white guy wearing dreadlocks and claiming to be a Rastafarian and even going so far to speak in a faux-Jamaican accent, this guy was just faking the funk and trying to be something he's not. (I even knew a guy in high school who did this very thing.)

I get it. There are parts of European culture and white pop culture that people like. I found it a rude awakening in 1988, when I saw Mexican girls dressing goth because Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees broke into Top 40 radio with their "Peep Show" song, but in 2023 it's no big deal now, especially after that Wednesday Addams show on Netflix has gained popularity. I found it odd seeing black people wearing AC/DC t-shirts, Iron Maiden, and Journey within the past 5-10 years, although they didn't dress like a rocker or weren't a biracial mix. I even worked with a black girl who went full Weeabo and dressed like a bad anime character, and looked total cringe. Anime/manga is a form of Japanese cultural appropriation on American and European life, and their obsession with white culture, but made Japanese. Think I'm full of shit? When was the last time you met a blonde haired, blued-eye Swiss girl named Sena Kashiwazaki? You can't make this shit up.

Perhaps it should come as no surprise, with this push for multi-culturalism/anything goes so long as you're a DEI disciple. People have been cherry-picking religious practices for quite some time now, to include worshiping AI now. Seriously, I saw a video segment where a robotic "deity" in Japan is being worshipped as a Buddhist god of sorts. Think I'm full of shit? Read here: . I suppose everything will be shoved into a Satanic blender of sorts and puree'd once the Antichrist comes on scene and deceives everyone. He'll tell people that "anything goes" is the motto, and encourage extreme idolatry and paganism in his name. You'll see some really bizarre shit, especially out of the "they/them" community - "they/them" storybook  time on a whole different level.

I said nothing to this guy, as it's really none of my business at the end of the day what he believes, but it just goes to underscore how once well-defined ethnic and cultural practices that were specific to a country or group of people is getting muddied with outliers and wanna-bes. Just like Rachael Dolezal will never be black, this guy will never be Norse.


Ignore these four words