Sunday, November 19, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ah yes. The new Cradle of Filth CD - THORNOGRAPHY.
I picked it up today and have listened to a few tracks in my car - not too shabby although with each new album, I can tell that lead singer Danni Filth is becoming more and more mainstream-oriented. While a good heavy metal/death metal/black metal band making a buck or two is always good, it really disappoints the fans from the start who were supporting the band when some flavor-of-the-month hip-hip asshole throws money down for their bumper sticker or t-shirt. Dee Snider of Twisted Sister stated this best on a history of metal DVD that I own.
Still, the way I see it, I'd rather have some obscure band like Type O Negative or Electric Hellfire Club get some radio play than to break up because they just didn't have the cash to make ends meet. Unfortunately for us the listeners, we have to wade through a sea of no-talent hacks like Brittney Spears, Eminem, 50 Cent, and Linkin Park just to find one BLACK LABEL SOCIETY or DEICIDE album worth listening to. While the music industry is a business out to make money by nature, they certainly lower the standards now so that any asshole with a flashy attitude can get a record signed. Fuck that shit.
So, if you're up for it, pick this gem up, but I recommend some of their earlier stuff if you're interested in their sound. Nymphetamine, their last album would be a good place to start.