Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Monday, May 07, 2012
I have been busy being more so productive as of late, instead of being the usual degenerate you have come to know through my profane rantings here....yes, The Machine has been working towards a Business degree! Not only will I make a profit off my misfortunes, I will laugh all the way to the bank once that first pay check rolls in. It's one thing to be young and broke - it's kind of expected since you're out of high school and finding your way in this world. It's another thing to be old and broke - which just plain sucks. Put a little cash in my pocket, I'll invest it wisely in the stock market, and before you know it, I'll be drinking vodka shots and snorting lines of coke off a hooker's tits in no time.
Anycase, these past 7 weeks have been fraught with peril for me - learning such bizarre words like "median", "mean" and "standard deviation" in my Statistics class. Crazy math equations that would put the most arcane of demonic sigils to shame, with their lines, curves, and quixotic use of letters fused with Greek symbols. If there's such a thing as a math demon, its name would be derived from Statistics.
My instructor is a Dutch druggie who hails from Amsterdam. He looks like something out of a bad 80's movie, has the worst body odor, and such a dry sense of humor, you can never tell if he's joking or not. He has a PhD in Physics, yet he's bumming around our university teaching us loser students Stats 200. Everyone's convinced this guy has done some serious drugs in his time, and does not hide the fact that he frequents the coffee shops in his native Netherlands. I've been all over the Netherlands and they can smoke up easily with no hassle....which makes me wonder if he's got a constant residual high going through his veins or not.
Behind me sit 3 chicks - 2 of them are hot, and one resembles Jabba the Hutt. All 4 of us do study group at least once a week, and go over the homework. When they found out that I was a cartoonist and a huge nerd, they all thought of this one chick that they think would be a good match for me. Her name is Jessy.
What's Jessy like? Is she hot? Is she fun? Is she original? Yes, yes, yes, according to my classmates. She's really artistic and independent, according to Jabba. Okay, cool then. Lemme meet her and see what she's all about. I meet this chick, and let's just say that everything Jabba tried selling me on was the exact opposite. Bossy, bitchy, fat and reminds me physically of this cunt of a nurse I worked with last year when I was living in Northern Germany. I don't like chicks who have a larger ass than me, or look like a fucking disaster in the clothes that they wear. I like women to look like women - hair, make-up, perfume, the whole nine yards. What passes as 'style' to her is borderline man-dyke apparel in my book, and not a trace of cosmetics to be found on her face. Her hair is pulled back into a braided pony tail which resembles a turd more so than actual hair, kinda like a steamy coiler of a dog turd. I haven't gotten close enough to determine what she smells like, but if it's any indication, she probably uses soap and shampoo sparingly. I'm not into dudes or chicks who look like dudes.
Trying to have a conversation with her is a combination of grunts and snorts mixed in with sarcasm. When asking a simple question as to some of her interests, I get snotty attitude mixed in with vitriol and bile. I can't stand bitches. Most of all, I can't stand bitches who are snappy and ill-tempered. How the fuck do you expect me to get a boner and want to fuck you when you're bringing me down? I have to put up with bullshit all day from obnoxious customers and their screaming fucking babies, so what makes you think I want to deal with someone who is just as insufferable in my free time? So yeah, no thanks.
Seems like this past year has been a series of my friends trying to hook me up with women they know. While I am appreciative for the assistance they offer in helping me get laid, the overall quality has been sub-standard. I suppose that beggars can't be choosers, however I don't want to be 'that guy' who only fucks fat bitches because they're the left-overs. I know I can do much better, and have, so why settle?
All my Stats classmates know that it didn't work out between Jessy and me. I really can't blame them for trying to do good, but they simply just don't know me well enough to make assertions. I suppose I have to give them a "C" for effort at least.
Anycase, these past 7 weeks have been fraught with peril for me - learning such bizarre words like "median", "mean" and "standard deviation" in my Statistics class. Crazy math equations that would put the most arcane of demonic sigils to shame, with their lines, curves, and quixotic use of letters fused with Greek symbols. If there's such a thing as a math demon, its name would be derived from Statistics.
My instructor is a Dutch druggie who hails from Amsterdam. He looks like something out of a bad 80's movie, has the worst body odor, and such a dry sense of humor, you can never tell if he's joking or not. He has a PhD in Physics, yet he's bumming around our university teaching us loser students Stats 200. Everyone's convinced this guy has done some serious drugs in his time, and does not hide the fact that he frequents the coffee shops in his native Netherlands. I've been all over the Netherlands and they can smoke up easily with no hassle....which makes me wonder if he's got a constant residual high going through his veins or not.
Behind me sit 3 chicks - 2 of them are hot, and one resembles Jabba the Hutt. All 4 of us do study group at least once a week, and go over the homework. When they found out that I was a cartoonist and a huge nerd, they all thought of this one chick that they think would be a good match for me. Her name is Jessy.
What's Jessy like? Is she hot? Is she fun? Is she original? Yes, yes, yes, according to my classmates. She's really artistic and independent, according to Jabba. Okay, cool then. Lemme meet her and see what she's all about. I meet this chick, and let's just say that everything Jabba tried selling me on was the exact opposite. Bossy, bitchy, fat and reminds me physically of this cunt of a nurse I worked with last year when I was living in Northern Germany. I don't like chicks who have a larger ass than me, or look like a fucking disaster in the clothes that they wear. I like women to look like women - hair, make-up, perfume, the whole nine yards. What passes as 'style' to her is borderline man-dyke apparel in my book, and not a trace of cosmetics to be found on her face. Her hair is pulled back into a braided pony tail which resembles a turd more so than actual hair, kinda like a steamy coiler of a dog turd. I haven't gotten close enough to determine what she smells like, but if it's any indication, she probably uses soap and shampoo sparingly. I'm not into dudes or chicks who look like dudes.
Trying to have a conversation with her is a combination of grunts and snorts mixed in with sarcasm. When asking a simple question as to some of her interests, I get snotty attitude mixed in with vitriol and bile. I can't stand bitches. Most of all, I can't stand bitches who are snappy and ill-tempered. How the fuck do you expect me to get a boner and want to fuck you when you're bringing me down? I have to put up with bullshit all day from obnoxious customers and their screaming fucking babies, so what makes you think I want to deal with someone who is just as insufferable in my free time? So yeah, no thanks.
Seems like this past year has been a series of my friends trying to hook me up with women they know. While I am appreciative for the assistance they offer in helping me get laid, the overall quality has been sub-standard. I suppose that beggars can't be choosers, however I don't want to be 'that guy' who only fucks fat bitches because they're the left-overs. I know I can do much better, and have, so why settle?
All my Stats classmates know that it didn't work out between Jessy and me. I really can't blame them for trying to do good, but they simply just don't know me well enough to make assertions. I suppose I have to give them a "C" for effort at least.