For the past few weeks now, I've been watching The Walking Dead on Netflix. Netflix Deutschland has finally allowed people to watch certain TV shows and movies, either in English or German voice-over. If only Hulu would work as well, but I digress.
The Walking Dead is actually pretty cool. At first, I thought that the show is a social commentary on American society, since you have just about every stereotype portrayed in the series. While it's not overtly in your face, anyone with critical thinking skills can see what's going on. Zombies are just the medium.
Perhaps the only stereotype that I admire is the Darryl character. Norman Reedus. He might appear to be white trash-y and up to no good at first, but nothing could be further from the truth. He's a man of few words who goes above and beyond each time to help people when they need it. How many people would do something like that in a survival situation? The truth of the matter is when our society does finally collapse, the end result will be chaos and self-preservation. Call the Preppers what you will, but they've got it right. Hunters and country boys will be able to survive just fine, while everyone else runs around with their hair on fire (and in some cases literally!).

While zombie films are a dime-a-dozen cliche, Night of the Living Dorks comes at you from an entirely opposite direction. The story revolves around 3 teen-age boys who die in a car wreck, and become zombies by accident. One of them was smoking a bong which contained the mystic ashes of a zombie, when the car became clouded in smoke, resulting in a traffic accident with a tree. Upon discovering that they are now the deceased, the teens first enjoy their undead powers which include super strength and prowess, but then use them for nefarious purposes. Only the spell of a voodoo witch doctor and a magic serum can return the boys back to normal, which happens before they completely turn. It's definitely a theme with a twist.
Despite being popular, the characters in the Walking Dead have it all wrong. The very first thing they should've done was to fortify their living arrangements. Think of how people fortified their camps during the Dark Ages...10 foot wooden fences, 10 foot deep trenches, and wooden stakes to impale any invaders. They kind of got this right in Season 3, but honestly, with as many zombies that seem to show up out of nowhere, they could've been a lot more proactive. Ultimately as the zombies begin to rot and deteriorate, their numbers will drop considerably, and the remaining zombies will be of little concern.What few remaining people are left will ultimately pose the real threat, as always.
One thing that makes me wonder is that with all the zombies running around, biting people, drooling on people, and spewing their bodily fluids all over the place, how many of the survivors accidentally catch a disease from them? Psoriasis, zombie flu, or even zombie herpes? What if a zombie was infected with the HIV virus before it turned, and then slobbers all over some douchebag like Glen? The writers don't seem to cover that aspect of the zombie infestation, despite having the CDC in an early episode. Whatever. It's just a stupid TV show, and if zombies really did occur, the incident rate would be no different than any other disease out there....small and contained immediately.
Still, zombie herpes would be a real bitch to get rid of, either way.