Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Twelve Years

Twelve years to the day I arrived Germany.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina had just hit New Orleans, and everybody was losing their damn minds.

In 2017, Hurricane Harvey hits Texas a day or two ago, and everybody is losing their damn minds.

What do they have both in common?

Idiot mayors.

Seriously folks, you get the politicians you deserve.



I rarely post here anymore.

It's that obvious, by the lack of posts I make here.

Having said that, I have to remove some of my entries, on account that Germany has passed this bullshit "Anti-hate Speech law", where anything can be misconstrued as "hate speech" in the slightest. Here's the Breitbart Article here:

Germany Passes Online Hate Speech Law

Don't like liberals?

Hate speech.

Criticize Antifa?

Hate speech.

Criticize gay marriage?

Hate speech.

Criticize Merkel for allowing 1 million + Muslims in to the country to invade and take over?

Hate speech.

It's bullshit and we all know it, however this blog is a collection of my experiences from the past 12 years, and it's not worth losing it virtually overnight to some Social Justice Warrior who stumbles across it. Never mind the fact that the Left is completely out of control, and anything that goes against popular opinion is somehow deemed fascist or racist. Ironic that George Orwell's predictions continue to unfold, even beyond his wildest dreams.


 The truth of the matter is that life isn't perfect, people's lives aren't perfect, and it's important to communicate experiences to one another if anyone is going to try to make sense of it all. Trying to censor people to the point of intimidation was done between 1939 - 1945 in this country, and you see how well that worked out in the long run.

And yes, I purposely posted from Breitbart, because CNN, MSNBC, Salon, and all those other Lefty-liberal jizz rag publications suck. I would rather see Breitbart get a page visit than these douche canoe websites.


Ignore these four words