Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mehr Kunst

And here's the new single "Kunst" on You Tube.

The artwork is inspired by Pussy Riot, a group of women who have more balls to stand up to Putin and his bullshit, than most of Russia combined. I don't think it's a statement against Christianity or anything like that.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

KMFDM - Kunst

The new single from KMFDM - "Kunst"

(or if you're German deficient like the majority of Americans everywhere, "Art")

Do me and everyone at KMFDM a favor. When this album releases, pick up a copy and play it in your car while driving around town. Let people around town hear it, instead of that shitty, stupid RAP MUSIC that has watered down America's taste in music irrevocably. And if you're a white boy faking the funk, then shame on you. You never lived in the 'hood and we all know your cracker-ass wouldn't survive 2 seconds there, trying to act like the half-wit thugs and gangstas with their pants hiked down their asses. Fucking idiot Juggalos.


Monday, November 19, 2012


Luxembourg is a tiny country, comparatively speaking to the rest of Europe. It is nestled between Germany, France and even part of Belgium. It's so small that the capital of the city is also named Luxembourg. In the grand scheme of things, it's more like a zit on the ass of the EU, than anything else.

I caught Opeth performing last night in Luxembourg. Man did they rock. Michael Ackerfeldt is one cool dude. He was totally chilled throughout the event, and very much the gentleman when on stage. He played songs that reminded me of all the shit I felt after Melanie had left to go to McChord AFB, and I came here to Germany. He even managed to play a song from the Damnation album which I had made a copy for her, when we were together in Korea. Nice.

And Luxembourg has some of the nastiest, ugliest hookers roaming the streets. Damn, they were Tijuana Donkey Show ugly, too. No way would I stick my dick in any of them - no thanks.


Tuesday, November 06, 2012

One Big Ass Mistake America

So as you know, tonight is a key night. Tonight, America votes for the next President - aka - the next person who will continue to fuck things up for us for the next 4 years, possibly more, depending on who wins.

I remember in 2008 when Obama-frenzy was all the rage. White chicks were fucking black dudes left and right becaue it was the 'hip' thing to do. Even if you were a white guy and you told people you voted for Obama, you would still get free pussy. Everyone was so convinced that he was going to deliver on his promises of 'change' that he was talking about, and the whole catch-phrase "Yes we can" was aimed specifically at the black community.

Four years later, Obama is one of the worst Presidents ever. What makes him horrible? Is it because he's black? No. Is it because he can't produce a viable birth certificate after all this time? No. Is it because he fooled white women everywhere to give their pussies up to the ghetto, despite them knowing better? Partially, but this isn't about pussy. Focus, dammit!

It's about the fact that Obama has taken the majority of programs left in place by Dubya, and has extended them or has crafted them into something even worse. For example, the Patriot Act. Obama said he was going to do away with this piece of legislature, since it violates our Constitutional Rights. Once he got into office, did he make good on it? HELL NO! He actually renewed the Patriot Act, and took it one step further by enacting the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2011! The NDAA shreds our Constitutional Rights by allowing the Federal government to lock you up indefinitely without trial or charge. You can literally disappear in the night and any proof of your existance can be legally erased. Forever.

Obama is also responsible for this whole Arab Spring mess that has resulted in at least 3 sovereign nations (Libya, Egypt and currently Syria) being overthrown by extremist Muslim forces, or currently in the process of being overthrown. Nevermind the fact that their leaders kept these shit-head terrorist out of their country, once Khadafi, Mubarek and possibly Syrian President Assad have been removed, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaida or some other group of goat-fucking assholes out there move in and set up shop. It's why those US Embassy members in Bengahzi died back in September. The State Department knew damn well ahead of time that this was going to create a bigger mess than what was already going on, yet those idiots on Capitol Hill did it anyways. The biggest slap in the face was when Obama and Hillary both bypassed Congress, and gave the Muslim Brother $1.3 Billion in support money - an openly terrorist group which hates the US and the West. Yes America, that is your tax-payer money going to fund religious hatred and fanaticism. I hope you sleep well at night.

Finally, Obama said he was going to remove our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, two shit-hole countries which we had no business invading in the first place, yet he's only made good on one so far. While Iraq is trying to make sense of everything which has happened to it from the past 20+ years, Afghanistan is, and always will be, a royal shit-hole of epic proportions. If the Greeks, Romans, British Empire and Soviet Union can't conquer this vermin-infested strip of land, whose to think that we'll succeed or fare any better? The Afghan people don't want to change, and it should be obvious at this point by now. Instead of living in caves and fucking their cousins, they have the ability to allow for education, for schools to be built, for businesses and agriculture to thrive if they wish, yet they still cling to this archaic way of thinking and will KILL anyone who tries changing it (and you thought Kentucky was bad!). For Obama to continue to keep us in a no-win situation where tax-payer dollars are being given to the enemy, and our troops are being injured for no reason is the biggest travesty of all.

So, by now you're probably thinking to yourself "Too bad, I still voted for Obama anyways, you're too late", or you're possibly feeling like a real piece of shit for not knowing about these things, and voting for the guy anyways. It's bad enough that the Republicans are fucking us over from all angles, however the Democrats pretend to care about us, since they appeal primarily the minority voters and the disenfranchised, yet still fuck us in the end as bad as the Republicans - only this time they've been doing it with a big black dick for the past 4 years.

For me, the bottom line is no matter who wins, we all lose, and for Americans to vote Obama in for another term just shows the continued commitment to stupidity and two-party politics which has been plaguing America for so long. Just remember that Obama stands for "One big ass mistake America".

Next time redeem yourself by voting Libertarian in the 2016 elections.

Sunday, November 04, 2012


Once again, I have a girlfriend.

She's sweet, but older than me. And she's definitely showing her age.

She does the one thing that Fat Julie or Melonaise would never do for me, not in a million years:

Treat me the way I want to be treated.

I suppose it serves as a small comfort before the terror begins.

Seven years, and in its time, no flesh shall be spared.

I wish I had met her sooner in life.

Ignore these four words