"I always spell Satan with a dollar sign - if there's anything I want I just make it mine" - Reverend Thomas Thorn, lead singer of the
Electric Hellfire Club.Tonight's topic is about another video game idea I have.
Soul$ (Souls). It came to me last week and chances are someone else has already thought of this, so if that happens to be the case then I'll give them props for thinking of this first before I did. But if not then I claim complete ownership of this idea and if you rip it off I will find you and sue your fucking ass for millions. So be forewarned.
The idea of the game is that you're a demon-in-training who just arrived in Hell. In life you were a ruthless CEO of a major corporation and sold everything decent about yourself in order to make a buck. You died in a freak accident when the city garbage truck ran you over at a cross-walk because the brakes failed and off to Hell you went. Well, the Man Downstairs being ever vigilant, took note of your talent in life and decided to give you a second try in the Afterlife at Hell, Inc., Corporate Headquarters building, 12th Circle of Hell, as a flunkie for all the other demons.
You start out having to manage the First Circle of Hell,
Sim-City style by managing the souls that are there. Souls are the equivalent of money and the better you manage your "cash", the sooner you'll get promoted to more responsibility. Souls are important since they fuel the process that makes precious metals in the earth's crust, which in turn creates man to sin even more. The more souls that go after gold, silver and what not in turn help you upgrade the tortures of the damned in whatever level of Hell you're working on, which in turn produces finer quality gold, silver, etc.
After a while, your reputation and standing within Hell, Inc. will increase with the better assignments you manage. You will be able to enlist the aid of lesser demons to help with the taskings, in exchange for a cut of the profits. Eventually you will manage all 12 Circles of Hell, making Lucifer so happy he'll give you a shot at running planet Earth for him. You would start out geographically in the poorer countries since they're less populated and then work your way up to the larger countries by enticing mankind with the 7 Deadly Sins. And the cool thing would be that you could upgrade sins after a while too. Within Lust for example, you would upgrade from Lust to Pornography to Prostitution. With Greed you would upgrade from Greed to Theft to Extortion. Sloth would start out as Sloth, then to entertainment then to folly and so on. The more powerful you become in the game, the more people, demons and angels will pay attention to you. People will make pacts with you in return for what they want and you have to deliver the goods if you want their souls. They'll be worth more than normal souls so it would be in your best interest to stay on top of their wants, and in turn they will spread your message through the media, music, crime, and so on. Other demons will see you and get jealous and as a result try to sabotage your efforts. You will have to be sneaky and play dirty pool by tricking them or guaranteeing something in return to them.
The really fun part of the game would be when religious zealots, tele-evangelists and angels come knocking on your door, starting up all sorts of shit. You could easily kill them, but the real fun would be turning them to your side and making them work for you as well. Use sin as your primary weapon to catch them off-guard and then humiliate them before other people. Angels can be converted to demons, but only through special techniques. The game would end when you have control over both Hell and Earth together.
I envision the game to be somewhat like
Sim City, although I'd like to throw some
Grand Theft Auto elements in there as well. By that I mean you can pick and choose which missions you want to take on, since they would all add to your experience level and you wouldn't be able to progress through the game until all requirements for that area had been met. The upgrades to the 7 Deadly Sins would be similar to weapons upgrades you find in most games as well. With a little finesse and group brainstorming, I think this game could really make a soul or two -er- buck or two.
Again, if you're in the video game industry or have connections, get with me off line if this sounds like it will work.