One foot out the door
I took care of alot of things today, with my swollen left eye. People were looking at me oddly so I decided to don a quick pair of shades I had on me, which helped dramatically. Not only did people stop staring at my monster eye, but with the shades on I didn't have to open it, which helped speed the healing process. Right now, not even 24 hours after the initial bug bite, my eye is minimally swollen and from outside appearances, you can't tell it was this huge throbbing mess of edema that it was this morning. That's the cool thing about the head - it's very vascular.
I cleared the barracks and have now been moved into Billeting. I was surprised I was able to get a room since the place is fucking PACKED tight! But somehow the heavens opened up and I got a place I gotta share with a roomie until tomorrow. Not just any roomie though, my fucking Physical Fitness Leader! The fucking FITNESS NAZI.
Yes, we all called him this both to his face and behind his back. This fucker would grill us every morning at 0530 by making us do push-ups, sit-ups and then make us run 2 miles. He didn't care if it was butt-freezing cold outside or if the fucking binjo ditches were so foul smelling people would pass out if they ran right by them. The days we did weight lifting for fitness he would tell us we weren't lifting hard enough or lifting enough weight - listen fucker! I got a hemorrhoid from doing 250 pounds on the leg press! I only fucking weigh 210! No way in hell am I gonna do that again! For the entire year he made our lives miserable and in the end got rewarded for it by our commander.
Well, now it's PAYBACK time. I snore like a motherfucker despite having surgery last year to correct it, and tonight's the night he gets to listen to me saw logs, speak in demonic tongues in my sleep, and scream from the night terrors I have on occasion. I hope the fucker goes running out of the room at 0-dark-30 because I conjure up some weird shit while I'm dozing. I must confess that's one thing I've noticed a time or two previously - walking up to hear myself muttering cantations in Enochian I've learned to near memory.
Now knowing my luck Fitness Nazi will stay up until midnight with the television and radio going, waiting for his wife to call him from the States. I won't get any sleep and will feel like ass tomorrow all day, which can't happen since I have a bus to catch once I am done here. I don't want to be dragging my heels these final moments as I scream obscenities to the prison camp as the bus departs its last journey for the night.
I stopped by the office today to get some final things I left on my desk. The fuckers already took shit off my desk, thinking I wasn't going to return. I had to retrieve my desk calendar of "George W Bush" quotes (some of them are a real hoot!) as well as some papers I needed in order to outprocess. Fucking assholes. Already I can tell the office is going to fall apart within 30 days since the person they put in charge is a ghetto queen that would rather surf the web all day, talk to her friends on the phone, and socialize instead of doing the job she's supposed to. Hell forbid she extend any responsibility outside of her own selfish needs. I can gladly say that this was a decision made over my head and those responsible will reap what they sow when they see everything fall apart before their eyes. I almost want to stick around to see how interesting this will all become, but no way am I going to hang out here longer just to take pleasure in the misfortunes of others.
Tomorrow I leave the base and go to Osan. I will blog more up there when I get the chance. Please be patient if I don't correspond immediately these next few days.